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Showing posts from February, 2020
This picture was meant to show you shadows and a 3D effect. Those put together can make a picture with the best allusions. Now obviously i'm still not gonna win any prizes, but this piece of "art" was challenging. I actually had to restart on this picture, and it still didn't turn out the way that I wish it would have. I still need to buy a few things for this project like a scratch book, drawing pencils, coloring pencils, and probably a whole thing of erasers. Also, a couple of things that I need to work on just from looking at this picture are things like straight lines and being more clear with my shadowing. My goal the next time you see my post will be to have somewhat of a human face drawn for you guys. If you see something that I did good or bad, don't be afraid to drop a comment. (;         Until next time.
Okay, clearly I'm not going to be the best drawer in the state of kansas anytime soon. Drawing this though has helped me realize how difficult drawing, shading, and coloring all can be. You need the right colors and shades to make the picture even look a little bit good. Not to mention the shading. As you can see in my examples that the shading was actually something very difficult for me to do. I think that many people usually put to much shade in drawings to were it looks dark and messy, but I'm pretty sure I under shaded this. If you look closely at my drawing you might notice that there is a brownish color. My thinking while doing that was to make the gray I had drawn for the shadow to look more realistic in color and shading. Putting shadows in your drawings is really what makes the picture more realistic and many times better than other regular drawings, it's very important. So to continue this project I will begin a drawing on my own without the aid of a step b